Breast Lump
Many patients find their breast lump by chance. It may be while showering, or wearing clothes. Some ladies report muscle pain. When they examine the breast area, they found a breast lump. A few patients practice regular breast self-exam. Some had their breast lump detected at a health screening checkup.
Most people are aware that a breast lump may be due to breast cancer. But the truth is that most breast lumps are benign. They may be due to hormonal changes (fibrocystic changes), or conditions such as fibroadenomas, cysts, lipomas, angiomyolipomas, etc. To allay your fear and concern, see a breast specialist to get a fast, accurate assessment.
In Dr Tan Yia Swam’s practice, this is what to expect during your first visit. She will conduct a thorough interview for a personalised risk assessment, followed by a physical examination. Radiology studies are usually needed to image the breast tissue. This may be a mammogram or an ultrasound, or both. The team will advise based on your age, your personal history, and any previous scans.
After these radiology tests are done, Dr Tan Yia Swam will then advise if you need additional tests . This may be a fine needle aspiration or core needle biopsy. For some patients, a followup scan will be adequate.
Some patients may require surgery. Depending on the suspected condition, it may be an excision biopsy, or lumpectomy, or vacuum-assisted biopsy “mammotome”.
Come and discuss your concerns
If requested, Dr Tan Yia Swam will recommend other healthcare providers for the following conditions, after checking that you and your breasts are in good health:
Cosmetic Procedures
Nipple Reconstruction
Emotional Wellness
Sexual Wellness